Benefits of Posting Your Prices on Your Website
Happy Friday, friends!
I don’t know about you guys, but pricing your services sometimes seems like a mystery. How much do I charge? Do I offer custom proposals, or packages? Should I list my prices on my website? All of these questions have been nagging at me since I launched Spruce Rd. in January. I don’t claim to have it all figured out, but I thought I would share insight to why I listed my prices publicly on my site this week!
Back up a bit. A few months ago I found myself searching for a photographer to take a few styled photos for my website + blog. I didn’t have any recommendations for the San Antonio area, so of course I jumped online. I have been following a photographer who I adored on Instagram + Twitter, and saw that she announced she has a remote photography business — “You post it. I shoot it.” Perfect!
Be specific about your services!
Immediately I got excited. It was like she read my mind. YES! That is exactly what I need. The internet is amazing. She is actually located in the UK, which is quite a distance from Texas! This tells me that she knows how to market herself specifically to her niche. She speaks directly to me, someone who already values her work, who also wants the ease of simply mailing a few items for her to shoot. I took notes on her marketing, because it really didn’t take much to convince me to go with her. I honestly didn’t even look elsewhere because she offered exactly what I needed.
List your prices
There is a second part of why I went with this photographer — she listed her prices on her site. I can’t pinpoint it, but for some reason if prices aren’t listed our brain sometimes assumes that they are out of our reach. For instance, when you are looking at a new restaurant menu, and you notice their prices aren’t listed you just assume that it is pretty pricey. That might not even be the case, but our mind jumps there. This phenomenon can prohibit you from even trying the restaurant for fear of overpaying. I think the same can be said for not posting your prices on your website. Maybe people assume because your work is just that awesome, and your prices aren’t listed, that you are too pricey for them.
Back to my photographer. After seeing her lovely work and the packaged service that is perfect for me, I was curious if I could even afford her. Honestly, I probably would not have reached out to her if her prices weren’t listed. She seems pretty booked + has a stellar portfolio, so potentially she could be priced outside of my budget. I found myself on her services page, and her prices were clearly listed, as well as what is included in the service. Boom. And just like that, I was sold.
Lesson Learned
Though it may seem vulnerable, posting your prices can actually reassure a potential client that you are the right fit for them, and not turn them away out of fear that you are out of their budget! I have found myself picking up on what works for me as a consumer/client, and seeing how I can apply it to my business. I learned from my photographer that listing prices actually sealed the deal. There is no reason to feel vulnerable or exposed by posting your prices. Really, you are doing your clients a favor by not wasting their time (and yours) through inquiring about prices.
Over the past few months, I have received several inquiries from people that could not afford my services yet. Though I love connecting with others, I knew I was not efficient with all of the time I spent individually replying to each inquiry. I am hoping through posting my prices, I will attract clients that are both excited to get started on their new branding + prepared to pay for the service.
Speak to your ideal client
I have also learned that when searching for a service online, I typically do a lot of research. Usually, the company that gets my business is because they seem to be tailored to my industry, or people like me. They specifically list who they work with, their services, and seems like they just get me. Once again, I took notes and applied this to my “work with me” page. I specifically state who I work with, what packages I offer, what is included, the timeframe and process. As a consumer, I love to know what I get out of the service, and not feel left questioning if this is the right fit.
Take action:
Spend some time writing content that speaks to your niche. Create a few packaged services, and go into detail on what is included. This will actually save your client (and you) time in the future!
What are your thoughts about publicly posting your prices? There can be advantages to only doing custom proposals as well. I would love to hear your thoughts!
The Pros And Cons To Including Pricing On Your Website
[…] providing transparency. As one consumer points out, our minds jump to the conclusion that no pricing information equals expensive and out of […]
I LOVED this. I was always torn about showing the pricing…instinctively I wanted to but then a lot of workshops I listened to for photographers would say not to or to just say “starting at.” Do you think you would have contacted her if she said “starting at”? After this post I’m pretty much sold, I’ll be posting my prices. I think it’s way more transparent.
Yes, I think putting “starting at” is completely fine. It doesn’t scare me away at least! I put a + after my price, because if someone wants to add a bit more to the services, requires more proofs, needs added functionality to their site or is a rushed project, that would cost more.
Monica Galvan
This is a tough one. But between you and many other design related services out there, I’m realizing more and more the benefits of posting prices and from both sides. For you, it sets up a minimum price, you expect this amount to work together. Whereas on the customer side it is helpful to know the price because you may be out of their range. In the end, it saves both parties time too because you know that when someone contacts you, they are serious and ready to work together.
Agreed, Monica! It takes a bit of courage, but in the end it is helpful for everyone!
I used to be on the opposite team but now I am COMPLETELY pro transparent pricing. Like you said, it eliminates several steps for both you and your potential client, which helps you find your perfect client that much faster (and them you). I think a lot of people are still hesitant to post their pricing because they think that their “competitors” will somehow use the info against them, but that’s absolutely not true. Someone who chooses another company over you due to pricing wasn’t the right client for you anyway.
We will 100% have pricing and packages laid out on our site once it’s finished, and I’m super excited about it! This is the way to do business now, IMO!
I think it completely depends on the business! Several businesses provide only custom proposals, unique to their client, which I totally understand. I decided to do packages, so transparent pricing makes sense for me! I love how you mentioned that if someone goes to a competitor they weren’t the right client for you anyways. Well said! Can’t wait to see your new launch! Loving your style so far
Thanks Jamie!
Totally on the same page as you Jamie! When I was planning out my site redesign, one of the first things I decided was to publish my pricing. I’m really glad I went this route because it’s not only transparent for the client, it helps me too! I’m no numbers gal but it doesn’t take a math whiz to know I need to book X of package 1 and Y of package 2 to hit my monthly goals. And I love that the transparency helps to cut out that back and forth step in the beginning of every potential client conversation (are they going to run away when they hear my pricing?). I will say that I think I still need to tweak some small things on my own packages page. Mainly I’m still finding a person here or there getting in touch and still asking for pricing (or maybe they hope I’ll give them a different price in an email? Who knows.)…I think it’s pretty obvious what my prices are but I’ll definitely reevaluate later and see if anything needs to be simplified or made more clear.
I love your site, and the way you break down your “work with me” page! It definitely takes the guesswork out of pricing, and is transparent to the potential client what you are offering! Thanks for sharing Phyllis!
Thanks for sharing this Jamie. I’ve been debating whether I want to post my prices on my new website. I definitely want to have packages in place, but I’ll be offering a wide range of services, so I’m thinking I may end up with a lot of custom packages. I’ve considered having a PDF with my pre-created packages ready to send out to potential clients instead. I like how you have the option for getting a custom quote at the bottom though, that could be my solution. Thanks for giving your perspective, it’s given me more to think about!
I did the same thing – a PDF of packages! I was still spending too much time emailing them, and wasting their time as they had a low budget. I am comfortable with the solution I came up with – two packages + the opportunity for custom projects. I don’t want to turn down a fun packaging or book design project should that come my way :). Thanks for your insight, Katie!
Loved reading your perspective, Jamie! I think this is one of the biggest ongoing debates for service-based businesses. I totally agree that when I’m perusing a site and there aren’t prices, I tend to assume that they will be too high for me! I think it’s harder to list prices when your packages end up being custom to each client or the services you offer vary widely. When you are easily able to sum it up in just a few packages, it makes much more sense to list prices. I still haven’t decided whether I should list prices on my own site, but this has really given me lots to think about! Thanks : )
I used to do custom proposals, but found that I really only loved doing two main services that are great for my clients! Packages ended up saving me time + only pursuing projects that are a better fit for my business. It took me a while before coming around to posting them publicly! I definitely feel exposed!
I think it’s fantastic that you’ve added your prices to your services page. Honestly, I don’t think I’d hire someone if their prices weren’t there.
Adding them saves both YOUR time and the potential client’s time. It’s really a win-win situation!
Last year I was interested in licensing some data from a company. I already knew about the company and that I wanted to license their data, I just had one simple question: how much does it cost? For some reason, they wouldn’t just give me their prices.
Their prices were not listed on the site anywhere.
I emailed them and asked their prices and they wouldn’t give them without a “consultation call” first.
So I did the call, even though it was kind of useless and I already knew EXACTLY what I wanted. I knew what package I wanted and everything – I just didn’t know the price. But I went through the obligatory call.
Finally, after the call, they emailed over the PDF of prices. Well I immediately knew it was out of my price range.
They wasted my time by forcing me to go through all those steps and a 30 minute call.
They wasted their employee’s time by forcing them to go through a 30 minute call.
So stupid!! Surely time is money (for both parties).
SUCH a great example! I totally understand wanting to know your potential client’s needs first, but really the price is the same for my package so why waste their (and my) time?!? Super frustrating you went through that… and it totally changed your perspective of the company I’m sure. Transparency for the win!
Yes, Jamie! When my business launches in the future I’ll definitely be putting prices on my site. And all the inspirational business owners I follow (yourself included) also include their prices on their site. I truly believe in transparency
Yes, I am digging the transparency also! The only reason I wouldn’t post them in the future is if I shifted into only offering custom proposals. For now, I’m loving the packaged prices of services most small businesses love. Thanks for stopping by, Holly!
This is great, Jamie! I love that you put your pricing on your site. I think it shows that you are confident in your work and value it as well. And that you are honest and up front and legitimate
It might shy away clients. However that might be because it’s not in their budget. If that’s the case then it saves time for both you and the potential client. And saving time is awesome. I also love that you lay it all out there – your price, what included, the time frame, etc. Right now I send that all separately and it takes so.much.time. I am definitely going to be reworking that part of my process / website. Thanks, Jamie and happy weekend!
Thanks Kercia! I am always refining my process, and love learning from my perspective as a client/customer! You are definitely right – it might shy away clients, but really they would have shied away after I emailed my pricing as well! I love being up front + transparent, so it just made since to make the leap and post my prices online. Definitely empathize with you on sending it separately and it takes so much time!