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Exciting News!

Create Share-worthy Design E-course | Spruce Rd.

Create Share-worthy Design E-course | Spruce Rd.

Eek! You guys, I have been anxiously waiting to announce an exciting project I have been working on recently. Some of you who attended the last Lunch + Learn webinar, are in on the secret already :).

I am launching an e-course!

I feel a sigh of relief finally writing that down, and sharing it publicly with you guys. The “Create Share-worthy Design” e-course is something that I am SO excited for, and that I think will be useful to anyone looking to start getting noticed online. I will be sharing an in-depth look behind the scenes of my design process for creating blog posts that boost traffic to my site.

Since launching Spruce Rd. earlier this year, I knew that beefing up my blog was a priority in order to drive traffic to my site, and ultimately to attract my ideal readers + clients. I have been thrilled with the results, and have actually gained clients from Pinterest (welcome to the modern world of online business!).

Instead of holding onto these secrets myself, I have decided to share them in a comprehensive, self-paced e-course. My goal is to help other bloggers + brands get noticed online, and drive traffic to their site. I want you to be enabled to handle the design on your own, create a blog post style guide that is reflective of your brand, and gets you noticed online! Good design builds trust. It enables you to attract your ideal audience, and sell products, services and resources directly to them! It all starts with a quality brand vision, and a coordinating blog post design that attracts your audience from Pinterest.

By the end of the course you will be equipped with the design fundamentals + technical skills to create your own blog post style guide, allowing you to maintain your brand design on your own.

What my step-by-step course will cover:

  • Typography
  • Working with color palettes
  • Illustrating icons
  • Pattern design
  • Design fundamentals
  • Working with photography
  • Creating a blog post style guide

I will release more details over the next couple months, don’t worry! In the meantime, I created a 3-part FREE video series sharing a glimpse into the Share-worthy Design course. You can sign-up here to watch video #1 immediately, and receive updates about the course!

Are you excited? I would LOVE to know if you have any questions about the course, or what you are hoping to learn about design! Just share in the comments below.




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  1. Susanne

    Looks very interesting;-)
    I would like to know what the cost of the course is going to be?

  2. Natasha

    wow it’s inspiring how much you continue and push Sprucerd! I’m so excited for the e-course. I know it will be a great success 🙂

    1. Jamie

      Thanks so much Natasha! Can’t wait to share more 🙂

  3. Sasha-Shae

    So excited for this! The 3-part video series was also pretty awesome. Can’t wait for more details on this course 🙂

    1. Jamie

      Thanks so much Sasha-Shae! Glad you enjoyed the free video training 🙂

  4. Monica Galvan

    I am definitely excited 🙂 Can’t wait for this! Your designs are amazing so I know this course will be too.

    1. Jamie

      Thanks so much Monica! I really appreciate the encouragement :). Can’t wait to share more details!

  5. Connor Kaylin

    Yay! This is so exciting. Congratulations! I’ve been a long time reader of your blog and I can’t wait to register!
    p.s. Your graphic is stunning!

    All the best,

    Connor Kaylin

    1. Jamie

      Thanks Connor!

  6. Briana Kapper

    1. Love the colors of the graphic and website for this.2. Love the new photo at the top.
    3. Love this idea.

    So good!!! Excited for you!

    1. Jamie

      1. Thanks so much! You know I love a good feminine color palette :)2. Love my new photos from Holly Booth! She seriously rocked it.
      3. Eeeeek! So excited!

      Thanks so much Briana!

  7. Lauren Hooker

    So excited for you! And that graphic – gorgeous!

    1. Jamie

      Thanks so much Lauren! So excited!

  8. Kercia

    AHHH, this is so exciting, Jamie!!! The class looks ah-mazing!! I’m so happy for you and all the progress and success you’ve had so far and I know it will only continue to grow! Congrats, lady!

    1. Jamie

      Thanks so much Kercia, your comments always make me smile! I’m pouring my heart into this course, it is going to have SO much valuable info, can’t wait!

  9. Holly

    Ah Jamie, I’m so happy for you! This looks great and I have no doubt that this course will be a huge success 🙂

    1. Jamie

      Thanks so much Holly! Can’t wait to see what you come up with 🙂

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