How to boost your conversions through design
You’ve done the work. Prepared helpful + quality content. Heck, you’ve even promoted your blog post on social media. The issue? Hardly anyone is opting into what you are selling. Whether this is a blog post, product, course or service, paying attention to your call to action is key. This can make or break someone from clicking the “subscribe” or “purchase” button. There are so many factors that go into why someone isn’t subscribing to your offer, however I wanted to provide a few tips from the design perspective. As you are aware, branding and design are often the first impression your business makes with its customers. Through paying attention to the design, you can actually increase sales, newsletter lists, or clients.
Let’s dive into a few quick + easy design concepts you can incorporate today, to boost conversion.
Choose color wisely
Color plays a huge role in design, particularly when marketing brands. Studies have shown that color alone can lead to more or less conversion. Through changing a simple button color from green to red Performable had a 21% increase in clicks (source). The statistics don’t lie, so let’s take a look at how to make color work for your benefit on your site or blog.
Warm vs. Cool hues
People react faster, and more often, when the call to action is highlighted using a warm color. Colors such as red, orange or yellow provoke a sense of urgency and draw our eye closer. Cool colors (blue, green, purple) are more soothing and aren’t recommended for opt-ins, purchase buttons or any call to action. This isn’t to say they don’t work, however statistics support warm colors over cool for conversions.
Mind your contrast
When selling a product, or urging a customer to take at ion, pay attention to the contrast in color. Call to actions with minimal contrast tend to get lost and not lead the reader to take action. To avoid lost opportunities, make sure that your button or call to action box has enough contrast. This improves legibility, and increases engagement. Though I’m a sucker for delicate and subtle design, a high contrast call to action is best for engagement.
Provide a visual
Readers respond well when you show them what they are going to get. Whether it is a PDF freebie, a membership course, or a product, take the time to visualize the end result for your audience. I know that if I am about to download a plugin, sign up for a course, or purchase a product, I always look for an image or mockup, so I know what I’m getting into. This serves as a final checkpoint, or validation, before I commit. This theory certainly applies to both free and paid products. However, the more investment you are requiring of someone, the more time you should spend visualizing the content. Don’t drop the ball in this final step, it can go a long way.
There is a lot of controversy about pop-ups, but they really do help with conversions. Rather than having one basic pop-up on my site, I opted to include one for each call to action at the bottom of the post. Research proves that a pop-up opt-in is much better for conversions, than inline. Inline simply means showing the form field someone needs to complete prior to submitting. I have tested both, and pop ups greatly increased conversions for my site.
Call to action
One of the most basic + essential components to boosting conversions on your site is to establish a clear call to action. If someone visits your site or blog for the first time, what action would you like them to take? Subscribe to your newsletter? Purchase a product? Attend your webinar? Follow you on Bloglovin? Make it obvious what the next steps are, and you will notice tremendous growth.
I hope you found these tips useful, and more importantly, that you take action to incorporate these elements into your design. I went a step further, and actually created a few templates that you can use to (hopefully) increase conversions! Keep in mind, these templates won’t guarantee a boost, but hopefully will lead you in the right direction.
Hey Jamie,I tried a few times to signup to download these but it never comes through to my email (even after I get the lead pages “thank you” page). Any suggestion?
Thanks for letting me know. It should all work now!
Sarah Noel
Thank you for posting this! I just started pushing out my IG mini e-course and am trying to figure out the best way to get conversions. This is perfect timing.
Sarah Noel |
Colours are a big thing when ti comes to call to actions, and I’ve found that my grey colour scheme works quite well, it’s not warm, but it’s not cool either, and each shade represents importance or subject and I like that. I also think it’s important to have opt-in’s on pages too, to help people bounce about and check out more on your blog. I’m seriously considering some freebie content to go with my posts, I just don’t even know where to start, but I love yours, and your blog inspires me, so thank you for sharing Jamie! 🙂
Hey Amanda! There are SO many factors that go into someone opting in, the most important being your brand and message. Colors are just icing on the cake!
Your colors always draw me into your freebie downloads! I’ll have to start looking into this more. My blog is mostly black and white, so my opt-in is simple, but I bet color would help my conversion rate. Thanks for the great ideas!
Thanks Nora! I remember you saying you had pop ups at one point, and they increased your conversion! It helped me make the switch 🙂