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Want zero-revisions with your design clients?

I’ll show you exactly how we present brand identity designs to our clients that consistently get zero revisions.

In just 10 minutes :).

Watch the Free Training

Heyo designers!

Here’s a quick tip to get zero-revisions: Present your work!

Clients want more than beautiful designs, they want to know why the design works for their brand. It’s simple, but effective. Present your designs live, rather than simply sending through email.

Maybe you’re wondering…

“Will my clients think I’m salesy or pushy?”

“What if the client doesn’t like the design when I’m on the call?”

“Can I just send an email with the designs to my client to approve?”

Not if you want consistent zero revisions.

In this free 10-minute workshop you will:

See exactly what our client design presentation looks like

Swipe our script for what to say during your presentation

Learn how to “pitch” your presentation to get zero revisions (95% of the time!)

Are you ready for a friction-free studio?

Snag our Zero-Revision Presentation Method